Packet Dynamical Simulation Package (WPD)
- Calculation of dynamical processes
- Tunneling probability and current
- Eigenstates, wave functions
- Density distributions
- Calculations for realistic models even on
a PC
- Well paralellizable algorithm for
multicore computers
- http://www.mfa.kfki.hu/~mark/phd/index.html
Interactive Schrödinger Equation Solver
VASP DFT (Vienna Ab-initio Simulation
- Calculation of electronic structure
- Geometry optimization
- LDA, GGAs, metaGGAs
- Hartree-Fock, Hartree-Fock/DFT hybrids
- Calculations for realistic models even on
a PC
- Well paralellizable algorithm for
multicore computers
- https://www.vasp.at